Arna Gná Gunnarsdóttir

Arna Gná Gunnarsdóttir

Artist and art educator born in Reykjavík Iceland 1974, finished her , Masterclass with Bjarni Sigurbjörnson, painting, Reykjavík, Iceland in 2007.
2006-2007, Degree in Art Teaching, Iceland Academy of the arts, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2003- 2006, Iceland Academy of the arts – BA in Visual Arts, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2002, one year, Pre-Art Program – Art School of Reykjavik, Iceland.
2016, December, Amma, Gallerie Artcreenvol, Strasbourg, France.
2016, March, Winter in Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.
2013, Gamalldúkur, Forréttabarinn gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2010, September, Artist of the Month – SÍM, THE ASSOCIATION OF ICELANDIC ARTISTS,
2006, Arna Gná, Aurum, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2021, Textile Art Of Today 2021, Slóvakía ,Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland.
2021, June, The 10th International Biennial Exhibition of Mini Textile Art “Scythia”, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine.
2021, June, The 2nd International Biennial Exhibition of Micro Textile Art “Scythia”, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine.
2021, June, Panser l’objet, Penser le temps, Strasbourg University, France. 
2017, July, Grafíksalurinn, Reykjavík.2015, Vetur (Winter), Hönnunarmars, Mýrin, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2015, December, (Ó)Fyrirséð / (Un) Forseen, Salurinn, Mosfellsbæ, Iceland.
2014, March, Leikið með landslag, Hönnunarmars, gallery S33, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2010, Flushed, Kulturkontakt Nord, Norrænahúsið, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2009, Flökkukindur, Art Festival, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2009, Gallery Cubb ,Reykjavík, Iceland.
2009, Kenjóttar hvatir, Whimsical impetus, Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri, Iceland.
2007, Femme, Salurinn, Mosfellsbæ. Iceland.
2007, Malmittel 17, Cultural Festival, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2006, Fyrsti hluti, Án titils group, Kirkjuhvol Akranes, Iceland.
2006, Graduation Exhibition – Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2005, Kaffiboð, Án titils group Kaffitár, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2005, Snæviþakið svín, Gallery Gyllinhæð, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2005, Kunstakademiet í Bergen, Iceland Academy of the arts.

Arna currently lives and works in France.

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